FlexiBowl® parts feeding system Installed
Served countries
Vision systems
Years of experience in robotics
About Us

Every day for more than 35 years, our experts and young innovators have been helping integrators, machine manufacturers and distributors of robots all over the world to find efficient automated solutions to improve and speed up production, without wastage. Thanks to FlexiBowl®, a flexible feeding system, we provide enhanced capabilities in component feeding.
Our technicians and researchers design for efficient, optimal integration with industrial robots and cobots.
We aim to bring businesses evolved solutions that deliver continuity, but mainly competitiveness and the freedom to transform production lines.

We design and develop improvement technologies in the fields of flexible product feeding, industrial robotics and machine vision. We have already installed more than 2000 FlexiBowl units and over 1000 vision systems in a variety of production domains that use industrial robots or cobots.
Our headquarters are situated in Arezzo, Italy, and we boast a comprehensive network of distributors and installers spanning over 40 countries.

Our launch onto the robotics market
ARS is founded as the only Italian branch of a Silicon Valley robotics company
First flexible feeding and vision systems
ARS becomes an independent company and distributor of robot products in the Mediterranean region
Birth of FlexiBowl®, the flexible feeding system for automated production systems that use robotics
Product is granted an international patent and the FlexiBowl® trademark is registered
FlexiBowl® is distributed globally
FlexiVision is born. First 5 authorized FlexiBowl® distributors in the world
New headquarters and new products
FlexiBowl® distributed in more than 40 countries globally
New FlexiBowl®features introduced; sales top 2,000 units
ARS s.r.l.
Via G. Vico, 7
52100 Arezzo
Tel: +39 0575 398611
VAT no. IT 01739760518